SPSS Mixed

Mixed Models with Crossed Random Factors

October 23rd, 2023 by

When you hear about multilevel models or mixed models, you very often think of a nested design. Level 1 units nested in Level 2 units, which are in turn possibly nested in Level 3 units. But these variables that define the units and that become random factors in the model can, in fact, be crossed with each other, not nested.


The Repeated and Random Statements in Mixed Models for Repeated Measures

September 30th, 2011 by

“Because mixed models are more complex and more flexible than the general linear model, the potential for confusion and errors is higher.”

– Hamer & Simpson (2005)

Linear Mixed Models, as implemented in SAS’s Proc Mixed, SPSS Mixed, R’s LMER, and Stata’s xtmixed, are an extension of the general linear model.  They use more sophisticated techniques for estimation of parameters (means, variances, regression coefficients, and standard errors), and as the quotation says, are much more flexible.

Here’s one example of the flexibility of mixed models, and its resulting potential for confusion and error. (more…)