R objects

The Advantages of RStudio

September 26th, 2017 by

There are multiple ways to interface with R. Some common interfaces are the basic R GUI, R Commander (the package “Rcmdr” that you use on top of the basic R GUI), and RStudio.

When I first started to learn to use R, I was bound and determined to use the basic R GUI.

As someone who was already used to programming in SAS, I wasn’t looking for a (more…)

What Really Makes R So Hard to Learn?

September 19th, 2017 by

If you are like I was for a long time, you have avoided learning R.

You’ve probably heard that there’s a steep learning curve. Or noticed that the available documentation is not necessarily user-friendly.

Frankly, both things are true, to some extent.

R is Open-Source

The best and worst thing about R is that it is open-source. So there is no single (more…)