mixed model

Member Training: Matrix Algebra for Data Analysts: A Primer

August 31st, 2021 by

If you’ve been doing data analysis for very long, you’ve certainly come across terms, concepts, and processes of matrix algebra.  Not just matrices, but:

  • Matrix addition and multiplication
  • Traces and determinants
  • Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
  • Inverting and transposing
  • Positive and negative definite


Confusing Statistical Term #10: Mixed and Multilevel Models

April 20th, 2021 by

What’s the difference between Mixed and Multilevel Models? What about Hierarchical Models or Random Effects models?

I get this question a lot.

The answer: very little.


Member Training: Goodness of Fit Statistics

March 4th, 2021 by

What are goodness of fit statistics? Is the definition the same for all types of statistical model? Do we run the same tests for all types of statistic model?


Multilevel, Hierarchical, and Mixed Models–Questions about Terminology

October 11th, 2019 by

Multilevel models and Mixed Models are generally the same thing. In our recent webinar on the basics of mixed models, Random Intercept and Random Slope Models, we had a number of questions about terminology that I’m going to answer here.

If you want to see the full recording of the webinar, get it here. It’s free.

Q: Is this different from multi-level modeling?

A: No. I don’t really know the history of why we have the different names, but the difference in multilevel modeling (more…)

The Difference Between Random Factors and Random Effects

January 9th, 2019 by

Mixed models are hard.

They’re abstract, they’re a little weird, and there is not a common vocabulary or notation for them.

But they’re also extremely important to understand because many data sets require their use.

Repeated measures ANOVA has too many limitations. It just doesn’t cut it any more.

One of the most difficult parts of fitting mixed models is figuring out which random effects to include in a model. And that’s hard to do if you don’t really understand what a random effect is or how it differs from a fixed effect. (more…)

Member Training: Generalized Linear Models

September 3rd, 2018 by
In this webinar, we will provide an overview of generalized linear models. You may already be using them (perhaps without knowing it!).
For example, logistic regression is a type of generalized linear model that many people are already familiar with. Alternatively, maybe you’re not using them yet and you are just beginning to understand when they might be useful to you.