When analyzing longitudinal data, do you use regression or structural equation based approaches? There are many types of longitudinal data and different approaches to analyzing them. Two popular approaches are a regression based approach and a structural equation modeling based approach.
Moderated mediation, also known as Conditional Process Modeling, is great tool for understanding one type of complex relationship among variables.
A multiple regression model could be conceptualized using Structural Equation Model path diagrams. That’s the simplest SEM you can create, but its real power lies in expanding on that regression model. Here I will discuss four types of structural equation models.
Path Analysis
More interesting research questions could be asked and answered using Path Analysis. Path Analysis is a type of structural equation modeling without latent variables. (more…)

The last, and sometimes hardest, step for running any statistical model is writing up results.
As with most other steps, this one is a bit more complicated for structural equation models than it is for simpler models like linear regression.
Any good statistical report includes enough information that someone else could replicate your results with your data.

We get many questions from clients who use the terms mediator and moderator interchangeably.
They are easy to confuse, yet mediation and moderation are two distinct terms that require distinct statistical approaches.
The key difference between the concepts can be compared to a case where a moderator lets you know when an association will occur while a mediator will inform you how or why it occurs.