An extremely useful area of statistics is a set of models that use latent variables: variables whole values we can’t measure directly, but instead have to infer from others. These latent variables can be unknown groups, unknown numerical values, or unknown patterns in trajectories.
One of the most common—and one of the trickiest—challenges in data analysis is deciding how to include multiple predictors in a model, especially when they’re related to each other.

Let’s say you are interested in studying the relationship between work spillover into personal time as a predictor of job burnout.
You have 5 categorical yes/no variables that indicate whether a particular symptom of work spillover is present (see below).
While you could use each individual variable, you’re not really interested if one in particular is related to the outcome. Perhaps it’s not really each symptom that’s important, but the idea that spillover is happening.
Latent Class Analysis is a method for finding and measuring unobserved latent subgroups in a population based on responses to a set of observed categorical variables.
This webinar will present an overview and an example of how latent class analysis works to find subgroups, how to interpret the output, the steps involved in running it. We will discuss extensions and uses of the latent classes in other analyses and similarities and differences with related techniques.
Note: This training is an exclusive benefit to members of the Statistically Speaking Membership Program and part of the Stat’s Amore Trainings Series. Each Stat’s Amore Training is approximately 90 minutes long.