Factor Score

How To Calculate an Index Score from a Factor Analysis

February 26th, 2016 by

One common reason for running Principal Component Analysis (PCA) or Factor Analysis (FA) is variable reduction.

In other words, you may start with a 10-item scale meant to measure something like Anxiety, which is difficult to accurately measure with a single question.

You could use all 10 items as individual variables in an analysis–perhaps as predictors in a regression model.

But you’d end up with a mess.

Not only would you have trouble interpreting all those coefficients, but you’re likely to have multicollinearity problems.

And most importantly, you’re not interested in the effect of each of those individual 10 items on your (more…)

Member Training: Exploratory Factor Analysis

March 1st, 2013 by

Many variables we want to measure just can’t be directly measured with a single variable. Instead you have to combine a set of variables into a single index.

But how do you determine which variables to combine and how best to combine them?

Exploratory Factor Analysis.

EFA is a method for finding a measurement for one or more unmeasurable (latent) variables from a set of related observed variables. It is especially useful for scale construction.

In this webinar, you will learn through three examples an overview of EFA, including:

  • The five steps to conducting an EFA
  • Key concepts like rotation
  • Factor scores
  • The importance of interpretability

Note: This training is an exclusive benefit to members of the Statistically Speaking Membership Program and part of the Stat’s Amore Trainings Series. Each Stat’s Amore Training is approximately 90 minutes long.

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About the Instructor

Karen Grace-Martin helps statistics practitioners gain an intuitive understanding of how statistics is applied to real data in research studies.

She has guided and trained researchers through their statistical analysis for over 15 years as a statistical consultant at Cornell University and through The Analysis Factor. She has master’s degrees in both applied statistics and social psychology and is an expert in SPSS and SAS.

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Confusing Statistical Term #6: Factor

April 27th, 2012 by

Factor is confusing much in the same way as hierarchical and beta, because it too has different meanings in different contexts.  Factor might be a little worse, though, because its meanings are related.

In both meanings, a factor is a variable.  But a factor has a completely different meaning and implications for use in two different contexts. (more…)