
When to Check Model Assumptions

March 7th, 2016 by

Like the chicken and the egg, there’s a question about which comes first: run a model or test assumptions? Unlike the chickens’, the model’s question has an easy answer.

There are two types of assumptions in a statistical model.  Some are distributional assumptions about the residuals.  Examples include independence, normality, and constant variance in a linear model.

Others are about the form of the model.  They include linearity and (more…)

6 Types of Dependent Variables that will Never Meet the Linear Model Normality Assumption

September 17th, 2009 by

The assumptions of normality and constant variance in a linear model (both OLS regression and ANOVA) are quite robust to departures.  That means that even if the assumptions aren’t met perfectly, the resulting p-values will still be reasonable estimates.

But you need to check the assumptions anyway, because some departures are so far off that the p-values become inaccurate.  And in many cases there are remedial measures you can take to turn non-normal residuals into normal ones.

But sometimes you can’t.

Sometimes it’s because the dependent variable just isn’t appropriate for a linear model.  The (more…)