Time Series are economic or other data that are collected over an extended period of time. Many clever methods have been developed to analyze time series, both to understand the factors that cause variation and to forecast future values.
In this session, David will introduce us to time series analysis and explain some of the basic techniques for modelling time series and creating forecasts.
Note: This training is an exclusive benefit to members of the Statistically Speaking Membership Program and part of the Stat’s Amore Trainings Series. Each Stat’s Amore Training is approximately 90 minutes long.
About the Instructor
David Lillis is an applied statistician in Wellington, New Zealand.
His company, Sigma Statistics and Research Limited, provides online instruction, face-to-face workshops on R, and coding services in R.
David holds a doctorate in applied statistics and is a frequent contributor to The Analysis Factor, including our blog series R is Not So Hard.
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Really nice and interesting post. Keep posting. Thanks for sharing.