OptinMon 10 - 14 Steps

Steps to Running Any Statistical Model Questions, Part 1

February 15th, 2013 by

Recently I gave a webinar The Steps to Running Any Statistical Model.  A few hundred people were live on the webinar.  We held a Q&A session at the end, but as you can imagine, we didn’t have time to get through all the questions.

This is the first in a series of written answers to some of those questions.  I’ve tried to sort them by the step each is about.

A written list of the steps is available here.

If you missed the webinar, you can view the video here.  It’s free.

Questions about Step 1. Write out research questions in theoretical and operational terms

Q: In using secondary data research designing, have you found that this type of data source affects the research question? That is, should one have a strong understanding of the data to ensure their theoretical concept can be operational to fit the data?  My research question changes the more I learn.

Yes.  There’s no point in asking research questions that the data you have available can’t answer.

So the order of the steps would have to change—you may have to start with a vague idea of the type of research question you want to ask, but only refine it after doing some descriptive statistics, or even running an initial model.


Q: How soon in the process should one start with the first group of steps?

You want to at least start thinking about them as you’re doing the lit review and formulating your research questions.

Think about how you could measure variables, which ones are likely to be collinear or have a lot of missing data.  Think about the kind of model you’d have to do for each research question.

Think of a scenario where the same research question could be operationalized such that the dependent variable is measured either continuous or ordered categories.  An easy example is income in dollars measured by actual income or by income categories.

By all means, if people can answer the question with a real and accurate number, your analysis will be much, much easier.  In many situations, they can’t.  They won’t know, remember, or tell you their exact income.  If so, you may have to use categories to prevent missing data.  But these are things to think about early.


Q: where in the process do you use existing lit/results to shape the research question and modeling?

I would start by putting the literature review before Step 1.  You’ll use that to decide on a theoretical research question, as well as ways to operationalize it..

But it will help you other places as well.  For example, it helps the sample size calculations to have variance estimates from other studies.  Other studies may give you an idea of variables that are likely to have missing data, too little variation to include as predictors.  They may change your exploratory factor analysis in Step 7 to a confirmatory one.

In fact, just about every step can benefit from a good literature review.

If you missed the webinar, you can view the video here.  It’s free.


Checking the Normality Assumption for an ANOVA Model

May 21st, 2012 by

I am reviewing your notes from your workshop on assumptions.  You have made it very clear how to analyze normality for regressions, but I could not find how to determine normality for ANOVAs.  Do I check for normality for each independent variable separately?  Where do I get the residuals?  What plots do I run?  Thank you!

I received this great question this morning from a past participant in my Assumptions of Linear Models workshop.

It’s one of those quick questions without a quick answer. Or rather, without a quick and useful answer.  The quick answer is:

Do it exactly the same way.  All of it.

The longer, useful answer is this: (more…)

The Data Analysis Work Flow: 9 Strategies for Keeping Track of your Analyses and Output

August 13th, 2010 by

Knowing the right statistical analysis to use in any data situation, knowing how to run it, and being able to understand the output are all really important skills for statistical analysis.  Really important.

But they’re not the only ones.

Another is having a system in place to keep track of the analyses.  This is especially important if you have any collaborators (or a statistical consultant!) you’ll be sharing your results with.  You may already have an effective work flow, but if you don’t, here are some strategies I use.  I hope they’re helpful to you.

1. Always use Syntax Code

All the statistical software packages have come up with some sort of easy-to-use, menu-based approach.  And as long as you know what you’re doing, there is nothing wrong with using the menus.  While I’m familiar enough with SAS code to just write it, I use menus all the time in SPSS.

But even if you use the menus, paste the syntax for everything you do.  There are many reasons for using syntax, but the main one is documentation.  Whether you need to communicate to someone else or just remember what you did, syntax is the only way to keep track.  (And even though, in the midst of analyses, you believe you’ll remember how you did something, a week and 40 models later, I promise you won’t.  I’ve been there too many times.  And it really hurts when you can’t replicate something).

In SPSS, there are two things you can do to make this seamlessly easy.  First, instead of hitting OK, hit Paste.  Second, make sure syntax shows up on the output.  This is the default in later versions, but you can turn in on in Edit–>Options–>Viewer.  Make sure “Display Commands in Log” and “Log” are both checked.  (Note: the menus may differ slightly across versions).

2.  If your data set is large, create smaller data sets that are relevant to each set of analyses.

First, all statistical software needs to read the entire data set to do many analyses and data manipulation.  Since that same software is often a memory hog, running anything on a large data set will s-l-o-w down processing. A lot.

Second, it’s just clutter.  It’s harder to find the variables you need if you have an extra 400 variables in the data set.

3. Instead of just opening a data set manually, use commands in your syntax code to open data sets.

Why?  Unless you are committing the cardinal sin of overwriting your original data as you create new variables, you have multiple versions of your data set.  Having the data set listed right at the top of the analysis commands makes it crystal clear which version of the data you analyzed.

4. Use Variable and Value labels religiously

I know you remember today that your variable labeled Mar4cat means marital status in 4 categories and that 0 indicates ‘never married.’  It’s so logical, right?  Well, it’s not obvious to your collaborators and it won’t be obvious to you in two years, when you try to re-analyze the data after a reviewer doesn’t like your approach.

Even if you have a separate code book, why not put it right in the data?  It makes the output so much easier to read, and you don’t have to worry about losing the code book.  It may feel like more work upfront, but it will save time in the long run.

5. Put data manipulation, descriptive analyses, and models in separate syntax files

When I do data analysis, I follow my Steps approach, which means first I create all the relevant variables, then run univariate and bivariate statistics, then initial models, and finally hone the models.

And I’ve found that if I keep each of these steps in separate program files, it makes it much easier to keep track of everything.  If you’re creating new variables in the middle of analyses, it’s going to be harder to find the code so you can remember exactly how you created that variable.

6. As you run different versions of models, label them with model numbers

When you’re building models, you’ll often have a progression of different versions.  Especially when I have to communicate with a collaborator, I’ve found it invaluable to number these models in my code and print that model number on the output.  It makes a huge difference in keeping track of nine different models.

7. As you go along with different analyses, keep your syntax clean, even if the output is a mess.

Data analysis is a bit of an iterative process.  You try something, discover errors, realize that variable didn’t work, and try something else.  Yes, base it on theory and have a clear analysis plan, but even so, the first analyses you run won’t be your last.

Especially if you make mistakes as you go along (as I inevitably do), your output gets pretty littered with output you don’t want to keep.  You could clean it up as you go along, but I find that’s inefficient.  Instead, I try to keep my code clean, with only the error-free analyses that I ultimately want to use.  It lets me try whatever I need to without worry.  Then at the end, I delete the entire output and just rerun all code.

One caveat here:  You may not want to go this approach if you have VERY computing intensive analyses, like a generalized linear mixed model with crossed random effects on a large data set.  If your code takes more than 20 minutes to run, this won’t be more efficient.

8. Use titles and comments liberally

I’m sure you’ve heard before that you should use lots of comments in your syntax code.  But use titles too.  Both SAS and SPSS have title commands that allow titles to be printed right on the output.  This is especially helpful for naming and numbering all those models in #6.

9. Name output, log, and programs the same

Since you’ve split your programs into separate files for data manipulations, descriptives, initial models, etc. you’re going to end up with a lot of files.  What I do is name each output the same name as the program file.  (And if I’m in SAS, the log too-yes, save the log).

Yes, that means making sure you have a separate output for each section.  While it may seem like extra work, it can make looking at each output less overwhelming for anyone you’re sharing it with.


On Data Integrity and Cleaning

July 30th, 2010 by

This year I hired a Quickbooks consultant to bring my bookkeeping up from the stone age.  (I had been using Excel).

She had asked for some documents with detailed data, and I tried to send her something else as a shortcut.  I thought it was detailed enough. It wasn’t, so she just fudged it. The bottom line was all correct, but the data that put it together was all wrong.

I hit the roof.Internally, only—I realized it was my own fault for not giving her the info she needed.  She did a fabulous job.

But I could not leave the data fudged, even if it all added up to the right amount, and already reconciled. I had to go in and spend hours fixing it. Truthfully, I was a bit of a compulsive nut about it.

And then I had to ask myself why I was so uptight—if accountants think the details aren’t important, why do I? Statisticians are all about approximations and accountants are exact, right?

As it turns out, not so much.

But I realized I’ve had 20 years of training about the importance of data integrity. Sure, the results might be inexact, the analysis, the estimates, the conclusions. But not the data. The data must be clean.

Sparkling, if possible.

In research, it’s okay if the bottom line is an approximation.  Because we’re never really measuring the whole population.  And we can’t always measure precisely what we want to measure.  But in the long run, it all averages out.

But only if the measurements we do have are as accurate as they possibly can be.


Cohort and Case-Control Studies: Pro’s and Con’s

June 7th, 2010 by

Two designs commonly used in epidemiology are the cohort and case-control studies. Both study causal relationships between a risk factor and a disease. What is the difference between these two designs? And when should you opt for the one or the other?

Cohort studies

Cohort studies begin with a group of people (a cohort) free of disease. The people in the cohort are grouped by whether or not they are exposed to a potential cause of disease. The whole cohort is followed over time to see if (more…)

Great Resources for Your Literature Review

April 30th, 2010 by

by Ursula Saqui, Ph.D.

This is the second post of a two-part series on the overall process of doing a literature review.  Part one discussed the benefits of doing a literature review, how to get started, and knowing when to stop.

You have made a commitment to do a literature review, have the purpose defined, and are ready to get started.

Where do you find your resources?

If you are not in academia, have access to a top-notch library, or receive the industry publications of interest, you may need to get creative if you do not want to pay for each article. (In a pinch, I have paid up to $36 for an article, which can add up if you are conducting a comprehensive literature review!)

Here is where the internet and other community resources can be your best friends.

  • Know the difference between Google and Google Scholar. Google is helpful for popular mainstream publications whereas Google Scholar focuses only on scholarly references such as articles, theses, books, abstracts, and court opinions that are written by academics and other professional scholars.
  • ResearchGATE is an example of a collaborative scientific community that indexes articles. Many times you can find the full text of articles at no charge.
  • Your state may offer access to different databases for its residents. For example, in my home state of Indiana, residents have access to Inspire, a collection of resources, databases, and government publications. Click here to see if your state offers a similar resource.
  • Check your local community library. They may not have the resources you need but they can often get them through inter-library loan. For example, my local community library does not carry advanced statistics books but the librarians can get them for me via their borrowing privileges with universities.
  • Even without access to a specific database, you can search thousands of government sponsored research reports that have been conducted by the U.S. government or one of its affiliates. For example, in completing a literature review of service learning programs, I found a government report that summarized 10 years of research in service learning. (That made my day!)
  • Private foundations or research companies may also conduct high-quality peer-reviewed research. For example, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation conducts and disseminates research on issues related to health and health care.
  • If you know who authored the article, you can sometimes find a pdf file of their article on their website or university website listed under their vita or recent publications.
  • Try to contact the author directly. When I have contacted authors, they have graciously sent me a complimentary copy of their article.

Still stuck?  Hire someone who knows how to do a good literature review and has access to quality resources.

On a budget?  Hire a student who has access to an academic library.  Many times students can get credit for working on research and business projects through internships or experiential learning programs. This situation is a win-win.  You get the information you need and the student gets academic credit along with exposure to new ideas and topics.

About the Author: With expertise in human behavior and research, Ursula Saqui, Ph.D. gives clarity and direction to her clients’ projects, which inevitably lead to better results and strategies. She is the founder of Saqui Research.