OptinMon 10 - 14 Steps

Three Principles of Experimental Designs

April 19th, 2022 by

If you analyze non-experimental data, is it helpful to understand experimental design principles?Stage 2

Yes, absolutely! Understanding experimental design can help you recognize the questions you can and can’t answer with the data. It will also help you identify possible sources of bias that can lead to undesirable results. Finally, it will help you provide recommendations to make future studies more efficient. (more…)

Best Practices for Organizing your Data Analysis

March 21st, 2022 by

There is a lot of skill needed to perform good data analyses. It is not just about statistical knowledge (though more statistical knowledge is always helpful). Organizing your data analysis, and knowing how to do that, is a key skill.  (more…)

Three Habits in Data Analysis That Feel Efficient, Yet are Not

February 21st, 2022 by

It’s easy to develop bad habits in data analysis. When you’re new to it, you just don’t have enough experience to realize that what feels like efficiency will actually come back to make things take longer, introduce problems, and lead to more frustration. (more…)

Best Practices for Data Preparation

October 4th, 2021 by

If you’ve been doing data analysis for long, you’ve probably had the ‘AHA’ moment where you realized statistical practice is a craft and not just a science. As with any craft, there are best practices that will save you a stage 1lot of pain and suffering and elevate the quality of your work. And yet, it’s likely that no one may have taught you these. I know I never had a class on this. (more…)

Member Training: An Introduction into the Grammar of Graphics

June 1st, 2021 by

As it has been said a picture is worth a thousand words and so it is with graphics too. A well constructed graph can summarize information collected from tens to hundreds or even thousands of data points. But not every graph has the same power to convey complex information clearly. (more…)

Member Training: Writing Study Design and Statistical Analysis Plans

May 3rd, 2021 by

One component often overlooked in the ‘Define & Design’ phase of a study, is writing the analysis plan. The statistical analysis plan integrates a lot of information about the study including the research question, study design, variables and data used, and the type of statistical analysis that will be conducted.
