Membership Webinars

Member Training: A Gentle Introduction To Random Slopes In Multilevel Models

December 31st, 2020 by

A Gentle Introduction to Random Slopes in Multilevel Modeling

…aka, how to look at cool interaction effects for nested data.

Do the words “random slopes model” or “random coefficients model” send shivers down your spine? These words don’t have to be so ominous. Journal editors are increasingly asking researchers to analyze their data using this particular approach, and for good reason.


Member Training: Missing Data

December 1st, 2020 by

Missing data causes a lot of problems in data analysis. Unfortunately, some of the “solutions” for missing data cause more problems than they solve.


Member Training: Preparing to Use (and Interpret) a Linear Regression Model

November 1st, 2020 by

You think a linear regression might be an appropriate statistical analysis for your data, but you’re not entirely sure. What should you check before running your model to find out?


Member Training: Using Open Data in Research: Opportunities and Challenges

October 1st, 2020 by

Open data, particularly government open data is a rich source of information that can be helpful to researchers in almost every field, but what is open data? How do we find what we’re looking for? What are some of the challenges with using data directly from city, county, state, and federal government agencies?


Member Training: Inference and p-values and Statistical Significance, Oh My!

September 1st, 2020 by

Statistical inference using hypothesis testing is ubiquitous in science. Several misconceptions and misinterpretations of p-values have arisen over the years, which can lead to challenges communicating the correct interpretation of results.


Member Training: Explaining Logistic Regression Results to Non-Researchers

August 1st, 2020 by

Interpreting the results of logistic regression can be tricky, even for people who are familiar with performing different kinds of statistical analyses. How do we then share these results with non-researchers in a way that makes sense?
