Membership Webinars

Member Training: Analysis of Ordinal Variables–Options Beyond Nonparametrics

January 5th, 2016 by

There are many types and examples of ordinal variables: percentiles, ranks, likert scale items, to name a few.

These are especially hard to know how to analyze–some people treat them as numerical, others emphatically say not to.  Everyone agrees nonparametric tests work, but these are limited to testing only simple hypotheses and designs.  So what do you do if you want to test something more elaborate?

In this webinar we’re going to lay out all the options and when each is (more…)

Member Training: A Gentle Introduction to Propensity Score Adjustments and Analysis

December 1st, 2015 by

So you can’t randomize people into THAT condition? Now what?

Let’s say you’re investigating the impact of smoking on social outcomes like depression, poverty, or quality of life. Your IRB, with good reason, won’t allow random assignment of smoking status to your participants.

But how can you begin to overcome the self selected nature of smoking among the study participants? What if self-selection is driving differences in outcomes? Well, one way is to use propensity score matching and analysis as a framework for your investigation.

The propensity score is the probability of group assignment conditional on observed baseline characteristics. In this way, the propensity score is a balancing score: conditional on the propensity score, the distribution of observed baseline covariates will be similar between treated and untreated subjects.

In this webinar, we’ll describe broadly what this method is and discuss different matching methods that can be used to create balanced samples of “treated” and “non-treated” participants.  Finally, we’ll discuss some specific software resources that can be found to perform these analyses.

Note: This training is an exclusive benefit to members of the Statistically Speaking Membership Program and part of the Stat’s Amore Trainings Series. Each Stat’s Amore Training is approximately 90 minutes long.


Member Training: Mixture Models in Longitudinal Data Analysis

November 2nd, 2015 by

This webinar will present the steps to apply a type of latent class analysis on longitudinal data commonly known as growth mixture model (GMM). This family of models is a natural extension of the latent variable model. GMM combines longitudinal data analysis and Latent Class Analysis to extract the probabilities of each case to belong to latent trajectories with different model parameters. A brief (not exhaustive) list of steps to prepare, analyze and interpret GMM will be presented. A published case will be described to exemplify an application of GMM and its complexity.

Finally, an alternative approach to GMM will be presented where the longitudinal model approach is linear mixed effects (also known as hierarchical linear model or multilevel modeling). The idea is the same as in GMM using growth curve modeling, mainly that the latent class membership specifies specific unobserved trajectories. These models are equivalent to GMM and are sometimes referred to heterogeneous linear mixed effects, underlining the idea that the sample may not belong to one single homogeneous population, but potentially to a mixture of distributions.

Note: This training is an exclusive benefit to members of the Statistically Speaking Membership Program and part of the Stat’s Amore Trainings Series. Each Stat’s Amore Training is approximately 90 minutes long.


Member Training: Correspondence Analysis

October 2nd, 2015 by

Correspondence analysis is a powerful exploratory multivariate technique for categorical variables with many levels. It is a data analysis tool that characterizes associations between levels of two or more categorical variables using graphical representations of the information in a contingency table. It is particularly useful when categorical variables have many levels.

This presentation will give a brief introduction and overview of the use of correspondence analysis, including a review of chi square analysis, and examples interpreting both simple and multiple correspondence plots.

Note: This training is an exclusive benefit to members of the Statistically Speaking Membership Program and part of the Stat’s Amore Trainings Series. Each Stat’s Amore Training is approximately 90 minutes long.


Member Training: Smoothing

September 7th, 2015 by

Smoothing can assist data analysis by highlighting important trends and revealing long term movements in time series that otherwise can be hard to see.

Many data smoothing techniques have been developed, each of which may be useful for particular kinds of data and in specific applications. David will give an introductory overview of the most common smoothing methods, and will show examples of their use. He will cover moving averages, exponential smoothing, the Kalman Filter, low-pass filters, high pass filters, LOWESS and smoothing splines.

This presentation is pitched towards those who may use smoothing techniques during the course of their analytic work, but who have little familiarity with the techniques themselves. David will avoid the underpinning mathematical and statistical methods, but instead will focus on providing a clear understanding of what each technique is about.

Note: This training is an exclusive benefit to members of the Statistically Speaking Membership Program and part of the Stat’s Amore Trainings Series. Each Stat’s Amore Training is approximately 90 minutes long.


Member Training: Latent Class Analysis

August 7th, 2015 by

Latent Class Analysis is a method for finding and measuring unobserved latent subgroups in a population based on responses to a set of observed categorical variables.

This webinar will present an overview and an example of how latent class analysis works to find subgroups, how to interpret the output, the steps involved in running it.  We will discuss extensions and uses of the latent classes in other analyses and similarities and differences with related techniques.

Note: This training is an exclusive benefit to members of the Statistically Speaking Membership Program and part of the Stat’s Amore Trainings Series. Each Stat’s Amore Training is approximately 90 minutes long.
