Our analysis of linear regression focuses on parameter estimates, z-scores, p-values and confidence levels. Rarely in regression do we see a discussion of the estimates and F statistics given in the ANOVA table above the coefficients and p-values.
And yet, they tell you a lot about your model and your data. Understanding the parts of the table and what they tell you is important for anyone running any regression or ANOVA model.
Good graphs are extremely powerful tools for communicating quantitative information clearly and accurately.
Unfortunately, many of the graphs we see today confuse, mislead, or deceive the reader.
These poor graphs result from two key limitations. One is a graph designer who isn’t familiar with the principles of effective graphs. The other is software with a poor choice of default settings.
How do you know your variables are measuring what you think they are? And how do you know they’re doing it well?
A key part of answering these questions is establishing reliability and validity of the measurements that you use in your research study. But the process of establishing reliability and validity is confusing. There are a dizzying number of choices available to you.
The last, and sometimes hardest, step for running any statistical model is writing up results.
As with most other steps, this one is a bit more complicated for structural equation models than it is for simpler models like linear regression.
Any good statistical report includes enough information that someone else could replicate your results with your data.
Effect size statistics are required by most journals and committees these days — for good reason.
They communicate just how big the effects are in your statistical results — something p-values can’t do.
But they’re only useful if you can choose the most appropriate one and if you can interpret it.
This can be hard in even simple statistical tests. But once you get into complicated models, it’s a whole new story. (more…)
Whether or not you run experiments, there are elements of experimental design that affect how you need to analyze many types of studies.
The most fundamental of these are replication, randomization, and blocking. These key design elements come up in studies under all sorts of names: trials, replicates, multi-level nesting, repeated measures. Any data set that requires mixed or multilevel models has some of these design elements. (more…)