When I was in graduate school, stat professors would say “ANOVA is just a special case of linear regression.” But they never explained why.
And I couldn’t figure it out.
The model notation is different.
The output looks different.
The vocabulary is different.
The focus of what we’re testing is completely different. How can they be the same model?
Have you ever heard that “2 tall parents will have shorter children”?
This phenomenon, known as regression to the mean, has been used to explain everything from patterns in hereditary stature (as Galton first did in 1886) to why movie sequels or sophomore albums so often flop.
So just what is regression to the mean (RTM)? (more…)
Interpreting regression coefficients can be tricky, especially when the model has interactions or categorical predictors (or worse – both).
But there is a secret weapon that can help you make sense of your regression results: marginal means.
They’re not the same as descriptive stats. They aren’t usually included by default in our output. And they sometimes go by the name LS or Least-Square means.
And they’re your new best friend.
So what are these mysterious, helpful creatures?
What do they tell us, really? And how can we use them?
As mixed models are becoming more widespread, there is a lot of confusion about when to use these more flexible but complicated models and when to use the much simpler and easier-to-understand repeated measures ANOVA.
One thing that makes the decision harder is sometimes the results are exactly the same from the two models and sometimes the results are (more…)
In a previous post we discussed using marginal means to explain an interaction to a non-statistical audience. The output from a linear regression model can be a bit confusing. This is the model that was shown.

In this model, BMI is the outcome variable and there are three predictors:
Most analysts’ primary focus is to check the distributional assumptions with regards to residuals. They must be independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.)
with a mean of zero and constant variance.
Residuals can also give us insight into the quality of our models.
In this webinar, we’ll review and compare what residuals are in linear regression, ANOVA, and generalized linear models. Jeff will cover:
- Which residuals — standardized, studentized, Pearson, deviance, etc. — we use and why
- How to determine if distributional assumptions have been met
- How to use graphs to discover issues like non-linearity, omitted variables, and heteroskedasticity
Knowing how to piece this information together will improve your statistical modeling skills.
Note: This training is an exclusive benefit to members of the Statistically Speaking Membership Program and part of the Stat’s Amore Trainings Series. Each Stat’s Amore Training is approximately 90 minutes long.