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Member Training: Non-Parametric Analyses

April 1st, 2019 by

Oops—you ran the analysis you planned to run on your data, carefully chosen to answer your research question, but your residuals aren’t normally distributed.

Maybe you’ve tried transforming the outcome variable, or playing around with the independent variables, but still no dice. That’s ok, because you can always turn to a non-parametric analysis, right?

Well, sometimes.

Member Training: What’s the Best Statistical Package for You?

February 1st, 2019 by

Choosing statistical software is part of The Fundamentals of Statistical Skill and is necessary to learning a second software (something we recommend to anyone progressing from Stage 2 to Stage 3 and beyond).

You have many choices for software to analyze your data: R, SAS, SPSS, and Stata, among others. They are all quite good, but each has its own unique strengths and weaknesses.


Rescaling Sets of Variables to Be on the Same Scale

December 11th, 2018 by

by Christos Giannoulis, PhD

Attributes are often measured using multiple variables with different upper and lower limits. For example, we may have five measures of political orientation, each with a different range of values.

Each variable is measured in a different way. The measures have a different number of categories and the low and high scores on each measure are different.


Member Training: Meta-analysis

October 31st, 2018 by

Meta-analysis is the quantitative pooling of data from multiple studies. Meta-analysis done well has many strengths, including statistical power, precision in effect size estimates, and providing a summary of individual studies.

But not all meta-analyses are done well. The three threats to the validity of a meta-analytic finding are heterogeneity of study results, publication bias, and poor individual study quality.


Member Training: Generalized Linear Models

September 3rd, 2018 by
In this webinar, we will provide an overview of generalized linear models. You may already be using them (perhaps without knowing it!).
For example, logistic regression is a type of generalized linear model that many people are already familiar with. Alternatively, maybe you’re not using them yet and you are just beginning to understand when they might be useful to you.

The Proportional Hazard Assumption in Cox Regression

August 20th, 2018 by

by Steve Simon, PhD

The Cox regression model has a fairly minimal set of assumptions, but how do you check those assumptions and what happens if those assumptions are not satisfied?

Non-proportional hazards

The proportional hazards assumption is so important to Cox regression that we often include it in the name (the Cox proportional hazards model). What it essentially means is that the ratio of the hazards for any two individuals is constant over time. They’re proportional. It involves logarithms and it’s a strange concept, so in this article, we’re going to show you how to tell if you don’t have it.

There are several graphical methods for spotting this violation, but the simplest is an examination of the Kaplan-Meier curves.

If the curves cross, as shown below, then you have a problem.

Likewise, if one curve levels off while the other drops to zero, you have a problem.

Figure 2. Kaplan-Meier curve with only one curve leveling off

You can think of non-proportional hazards as an interaction of your independent variable with time. It means that you have to do more work in interpreting your model. If you ignore this problem, you may also experience a serious loss in power.

If you have evidence of non-proportional hazards, don’t despair. There are several fairly simple modifications to the Cox regression model that will work for you.

Nonlinear covariate relationships

The Cox model assumes that each variable makes a linear contribution to the model, but sometimes the relationship may be more complex.

You can diagnose this problem graphically using residual plots. The residual in a Cox regression model is not as simple to compute as the residual in linear regression, but you look for the same sort of pattern as in linear regression.

If you have a nonlinear relationship, you have several options that parallel your choices in a linear regression model.

Lack of independence

Lack of independence is not something that you have to wait to diagnose until your data is collected. Often it is something you are aware from the start because certain features of the design, such as centers in a multi-center study, are likely to produce correlated outcomes. These are the same issues that hound you with a linear regression model in a multi-center study.

There are several ways to account for lack of independence, but this is one problem you don’t want to ignore. An invalid model will ruin all your confidence intervals and p-values.