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Member Training: Complex Survey Sampling – An Overview

November 1st, 2013 by

Complex Surveys use a sampling technique other than a simple random sample. Terms you may have heard in this area include cluster sampling, stratified sampling, oversampling, two-stage sampling, and primary sampling unit.

Complex Samples require statistical methods that take the exact sampling design into account to ensure accurate results.

In this webinar, guest instructor Dr. Trent Buskirk will give you an overview of the common sampling techniques and their effects on data analysis.

Note: This training is an exclusive benefit to members of the Statistically Speaking Membership Program and part of the Stat’s Amore Trainings Series. Each Stat’s Amore Training is approximately 90 minutes long.

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About the Instructor


Trent D. Buskirk, Ph.D. is the Vice President of Statistics and Methodology, Marketing Systems Group.

Dr. Buskirk has more than 15 years of professional and academic experience in the fields of survey research, statistics, as well as SPSS, SAS, and R.

Dr. Buskirk has taught for more than a decade at the University of Nebraska and Saint Louis University where he was an Associate Professor of Biostatistics in the School of Public Health.

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R Is Not So Hard! A Tutorial, Part 6: Basic Plotting in R

October 28th, 2013 by

In Part 6, let’s look at basic plotting in R.  Try entering the following three commands together (the semi-colon allows you to place several commands on the same line).

x <- seq(-4, 4, 0.2) ;  y <- 2*x^2 + 4*x - 7
plot(x, y) (more…)

Factor Analysis: A Short Introduction, Part 6–Common Problems

March 8th, 2013 by

by Maike Rahn, PhD

In the previous blogs I wrote about the basics of running a factor analysis. Real-life factor analysis can become complicated. Here are some of the more common problems researchers encounter and some possible solutions:

  • The factor loadings in your confirmatory factor analysis are only |0.5| or less.

Solution: lower the cut-offs of your factor loadings, provided that lower factor loadings are expected and accepted in your field.

  • Your confirmatory factor analysis does not show the hypothesized number of factors.

Solution 1: you were not able to validate the factor structure in your sample; your analysis with this sample did not work out.

Solution 2: your factor analysis has just become exploratory. Something is going on with your sample that is different from the samples used in other studies. Find out what it is.

  • A few key variables in your confirmatory factor analysis do not behave as expected and/or are correlated with the wrong factor.

Solution: the good news is that you found the hypothesized factors. The bad news is (more…)

Factor Analysis: A Short Introduction, Part 5–Dropping unimportant variables from your analysis

February 8th, 2013 by

by Maike Rahn, PhD

When are factor loadings not strong enough?

Once you run a factor analysis and think you have some usable results, it’s time to eliminate variables that are not “strong” enough. They are usually the ones with low factor loadings, although additional criteria should be considered before taking out a variable.

As a rule of thumb, your variable should have a rotated factor loading of at least |0.4| (meaning ≥ +.4 or ≤ –.4) onto one of the factors in order to be considered important. (more…)

Factor Analysis: A Short Introduction, Part 4–How many factors should I find?

November 16th, 2012 by

by Maike Rahn, PhD

One of the hardest things to determine when conducting a factor analysis is how many factors to settle on. Statistical programs provide a number of criteria to help with the selection.

Eigenvalue > 1

Programs usually have a default cut-off for the number of generated factors, such as all factors with an eigenvalue of ≥1.

This is because a factor with an eigenvalue of 1 accounts for as much variance as a single variable, and the logic is that only factors that explain at least the same amount of variance as a single variable is worth keeping.

But often a cut-off of 1 results in more factors than the user bargained for or (more…)

Factor Analysis: A Short Introduction, Part 3-The Difference Between Confirmatory and Exploratory Factor Analysis

November 2nd, 2012 by

by Maike Rahn, PhD

An important question that the consultants at The Analysis Factor are frequently asked is:

What is the difference between a confirmatory and an exploratory factor analysis?

A confirmatory factor analysis assumes that you enter the factor analysis with a firm idea about the number of factors you will encounter, and about which variables will most likely load onto each factor.

Your expectations are usually based on published findings of a factor analysis.

An example is a fatigue scale that has previously been validated. You would like to make sure that the variables in your sample load onto the factors the same way they did in the original research.

In other words, you have very clear expectations about what you will find in your own sample. This means that (more…)