how can
The Analysis Factor help you with statistics?

Our programs empower you to do great statistics on your current project and throughout your career with long-term skill building.

Our process starts with a framework for building statistical skills, giving you clarity. Next we help you plan, to figure out where you are now and what you need next. Then you build statistical skills with us through the trainings, tutorials, and mentor support. If you need to dig deep into a statistical topic, take a workshop for learning a specific method from start to finish or get help figuring out the details of your analysis with full-service consulting. Finally, we help you apply those new skills. Our step-by-step process in detail here

how our programs
make the process work.

statistically speaking


Statistically Speaking Membership is your foundation for statistical skill building and the support of a team of statistical mentors. This program takes you all the way from Clarity to Application through trainings, resources, and regular access to statistical consultants, who are available to answer your questions and get you unstuck.

the craft of statistical analysis

This free webinar series gets your skill-building started. Get intuitive understanding of a statistical topic that has stymied you for years. Or be introduced to a helpful method you’ve never heard of. Or one you keep hearing about, but don’t know where to start to learn it.



Need to dig deep to learn a statistical topic? Workshops give you everything you need to learn and implement a statistical method. Learn the concepts, steps, software, interpretation. Soup to nuts.

statistical consulting

Sometimes you need one-on-one intensive guidance. With consulting, you can get a little or a lot of help with choosing an approach, how to set up data, decisions to make, coding, interpretation, or communicating results.

how our programs
are different.

You get unrivaled learning support.

We know learning statistics is hard. Even harder is knowing how to apply what you’ve learned to your real, messy data. With us, you’re not learning a lot of new info then left to figure out how to apply it on your own.

You’ll get guidance as you make decisions in your analysis. You’ll have many opportunities in every program to ask.

You get high quality teaching, approachable learning.

Our programs work together to meet you where you are. Every one is designed with care to make learning difficult statistics as easy as possible.

Have embarrassing statistics questions? That’s great. You’re in the right place. We’re here to help you, not judge you. We believe you’ll learn the most if you’re not afraid to ask the most basic question.

So please ask. We’re happy to answer.

Integrated, comprehensive statistical skills for practical application.

Sometimes you need a comprehensive deep dive into a new statistical topic. You can get that here.

More often, you need the kind of ongoing skill-building that fills in the holes of your understanding. You know, those concepts that didn’t quite make sense when you took that stats class years ago. Or the intuitive explanations of how statistics work that make decisions clear.

Or the practical problem-solving and troubleshooting that help you deal with a messy data set or the quick short cut you didn’t know existed.

upcoming events

This Month’s Statistically Speaking

Upcoming Workshops

Upcoming Seminars

latest blog posts

Getting Started with Stata Tutorial #9: Saving, Reordering, and Dropping Data

March 17, 2025 • TAF Support

Stata makes it a breeze to edit or clean your data. If you’re unfamiliar with using data sets in Stata, check out these blog posts to get a good grasp on importing and browsing data in Stata. For this tutorial we will be using Stata’s “auto” data set. If you haven’t loaded it in yet, […] Read More

Member Training: Confirmatory Factor Analysis

March 3, 2025 • TAF Support

Item Response Theory (IRT) refers to a family of statistical models for evaluating the design and scoring of psychometric tests, assessments and surveys. It is used on assessments in psychology, psychometrics, education, health studies, marketing, economics and social sciences — assessments that involve categorical items (e.g., Likert items). Read More

6 Types of Dependent Variables that will Never Meet the Linear Model Normality Assumption

February 18, 2025 • Karen Grace-Martin

Sometimes it's because the dependent variable just isn't appropriate for a GLM. The dependent variable, Y, doesn't have to be normal for the residuals to be normal (since Y is affected by the X's). But Y does have to be continuous, unbounded, and measured on an interval or ratio scale. Read More