The Analysis Factor Team (draft copy)

Our Statistical Team

Karen Grace-Martin, MA

Statistically Speaking Mentor
Workshop Instructor

Read bio here

Jeff Meyer, MBA, MPA

Statistical Consultant
Statistically Speaking Mentor
Workshop Instructor

Read bio here

Kim Love, PhD

Statistically Speaking Mentor
Workshop Instructor

Read bio here

Clark Kogan, PhD

Statistically Speaking Mentor

Read bio here

Our Support Team

Mike Grace-Martin


Mike is the person who makes everything work behind the scenes. He also keeps all of our websites, special features, videos, and platforms running smoothly.

Mike has over 20 years experience in website usability, creation, and programming. He has served in various capacities to create and support great web sites for The Channel Islands Marine Sanctuary, eCornell, and Cornell University, among others.

He holds a masters in Cognitive Psychology, with an emphasis on Human-Computer Interaction.
alism degree from Ithaca College has worked in customer support and media in a variety of contexts. She came to The Analysis Factor in 2021 after working in community news in Connecticut.

Paula Riley

Customer Support and Communications Coordinator