Member Training: R for Menu Users Software Tutorial

In this nearly 6-hour tutorial you will learn menu-based R libraries so you can use R without having to fuss with R code. These libraries don’t cover everything R can do, but they do quite a bit and can set you up to make running R much easier.

It’s perfect for people who:

  • need to use R because it’s free but prefer menu-based statistical software
  • want to eventually graduate to R programming, but would like a shortcut up the steep learning curve
  • are happy with their current software in general, but once in a while need R to do some seldom-used statistic

This video-based tutorial includes:

  • An overall orientation to R
  • The different R packages available, including what they are and how to install them.
  • How to use R Commander and LessR to read in data files from Excel, Stata, SPSS, etc.
  • How to use R Commander for data preparation, variable creation, graphics, and many common analyses
  • How to use R Commander to learn syntax much like SPSS’s paste syntax capabilities
  • How LessR can simplify scripting in R (i.e., shorten syntax) needed for major analyses of interest like linear regression.

By the end of the tutorial, you will learn enough about R and how to use these free tools to get started with many statistical analyses, without overwhelm, without stress. Even if you’ve never opened R before.

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About the Instructor

Trent BuskirkTrent D. Buskirk, PhD, received his PhD in Statistics from Arizona State University with an emphasis in Survey Sampling. Since that time Trent has developed specific expertise in Mobile and Smartphone Survey Designs and in the use of machine learning methods for developing sampling designs and adaptive survey protocols.

Trent currently serves the Director of the Center for Survey Research and as a full professor in the Department of Management Science and Information Systems at the University of Massachusetts Boston.

Trent is currently the Past President of the Midwest Association for Public Opinion and the incoming Conference Chair of the American Association of Public Opinion Research and has recently been named a 2017 Fellow of the American Statistical Association.

When Trent is not working or thinking about surveys, sampling, smartphones and research in general, you can find him playing resident prince to his two princesses or playing an action packed game of pickleball or tennis!

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